
Showing posts from March, 2024

DIY Littering Sign

Right next to the "No Dumping - I Live Downstream" markings from my last post, I saw this washed-out attempt to "Stop Littering". I must have walked past this dozens of times before realizing it was there.  Whoever sprayed this mish-mash of upper and lower case letters was obviously conflicted.  I mean, they clearly think littering is bad but their graffiti is okay?  Let's stop people from making this corner an ugly place ... by making this corner an ugly place.

I Live Downstream

At many storm drains in our area (San Diego County) there are these cute template graphics trying to get people to stop dumping crap down our drains.  They say "No Dumping - I Live Downstream" (more or less) and with have cute outlines of fish or dolphins.  I always enjoy seeing these, they add a nice human "caring" touch to otherwise drab bits of concrete.  Here is one a drain where I work which has two different graphics, one sprayed on and one engraved: In my mind I thought it was a fish and a dolphin, but looking at the photo now, it's a swordfish and a duck. I have seen a lot of regional variations on these, as if every town has their own version.  Then again, I have seen at least three designs just on my lunch breaks around the office.  I will try to get some more shots of these to show the range of designs. I don't know if this is a California thing or if it's nationwide.  I'm not sure that the kind of people who are going to dump paint or tox...