These Elevators are Totally "Not" Broken

Here you go.  Two elevators at the University of Utah Hospital.  One says they're having intermittent service issues, and the other says "Out of Order".  Guess what?  They're both fine and people are using both of them.  An employee even said, "Yeah, we just ignore those."

I don't get it.  Why on earth would I willingly get on an elevator with known issues?  And who are these people who are braving the "Out of Order" one?  That just sounds bad.  I watched people coming and going for a few minutes.  How do they not care if it's safe.

These are accidents waiting to happen ... at a hospital.  But damn there are a lot of stairs.
I did try the less broken elevator once.  Once.  It jerked and groaned (the other two people didn't seem to notice) and had shockingly loud beeps at each floor (nobody cared).  I'm not doing that again.
Now, why are the doors painted to look like a peaceful birch forest biome?  It's jarring when the steel door with the trees slides to the right and there's a metal room where I expected sunshine.  It's an anxiety machine at a hospital that doesn't believe anxiety is a thing (long story).  Now every time I walk past it my brain tells me "It's a trap."  So I take the stairs.

By the way, the bottom level is down in some underground nightmare level, and doesn't the map of the parking structure look like one of those old D&D modules from the 80s?


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