So Many Signs, It's Hard to Keep Up

I see an odd sign every few days, and have a lot of photos I have yet to talk about.  But it's hard to concentrate, hard to find time.  Here's a sign that wouldn't stop moving.  I couldn't even catch up to it.  I figure it's a good metaphor for not being able to find time for my trivial hobbies.

As a construction crew was painting some new Bike Lane lines, it was pretty hard to miss.

I bet there are going to be tire tracks through those lines anyway.  But they get points for effort.  It's such an elaborate machine, full of smaller gadgets and tanks and machines.  

Before this, the city had repaved about a mile of side streets.  I wish I had gotten some photos of the in-between period where crews had crudely spray-painted in all the lines and arrows that needed to be added properly.  Some of those were very cartoony and weird.  But there was no safe space to stop, I'm always late for work, or trying to get home exhausted and don't get to play.  But here's the team that made it all look grown-up and real again.


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