All this for a Dog Park

It's hard to believe we need this many rules just so a few hundred people can visit a dog park each day.  There's a sign giving rules for the overall park, then the rules for dog park inside that park, an attempt to talk about responsibility, even a warning about not screwing with the water fountain.

I know there are legal issues around any public space, and how triggered people can get, and how many people sue companies and towns and states and individuals if even the slightest thing goes wrong.  It just seems pointless for towns and owners of shopping malls to declare they're not liable for their visitors having things stolen from their cars.  Our car was only there so we could use that public space, and the knowing the cars will be there must attract some number of thieves ... it's complicated.  Don't tell me that just because a sign was posted, every base is covered.

And conversely, if you go someplace that's packed with dogs and you are end up being hurt or irritated by a dog, or one of the other humans, that you should get millions of dollars for the inconvenience of it all.  It would be great if we could go through life and be protected from every possible thing with every step we take, but when you cross with other people, expecting only the good things has a way of failing.

So, we drown in disclaimers ... while most of the trouble comes from a tiny percent of those other dog owners.

No real point here, just enjoy the signs.  The first sign points to a site which has an app for reporting issues, which in this case points here: city page.  The SMMC (municipal code) cited on one of those signs is a bt funny.  I figured it would be a link to more detailed rules, but it actually points to a paragraph about the director's duty, which is mostly the requirement to post signs in conspicuous places.  Check it out.`


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