So Many Patents

This also came from a gas station.  Right above the pump there was this sign containing a huge list of patents which may or may not apply to machine in front of you.  


At the bottom of that sign is an FCC note about handling interference, then some warnings about trying to hack their software.  Okay, about 7 years ago there was a news story about a gas station in Escondido whose pumps weren't pumping as much gas at they claimed to be pumping, so that's apparently a thing.

Still, wouldn't it be cheaper to make a smaller sign with just the correct information?  

Above the sign full of patents is a sticker for Leperkhanz, which is funny to me because around 2007 (back when I was still married), a band moved into the house on the corner with a big green rock-n-roll tour bus, and they introduced themselves to all the neighbors so fewer neighbors would complain about any parkng issues or noise.  I think they said their tour bus used to be owned by Willie Nelson.  We were the youngest people in the neighborhood at the time, and the least surprised or bothered.  They were the Leperkhanz.  Same guys.  So was this a very old sticker or have they been out their doing Irish music this whole time?  

Above that is either a registration card for the pump with a date and year punched, or some kind of service schedule.

I just felt this was an odd combination.  Boring legalese and an Irish band I had forgotten about.


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