Parking Headaches

Parking lots for retail places have gotten a lot more complicated after the pandemic and the switch of a certain percent of the market to pick up and home delivery.  Here we were looking for a spot the other day.  

We saw parking spaces reserved for drive-thru overflow and curbside pickup.  We had just been talking about how annoying it is when people back into their spaces, potentially jamming up an already crowded line of cars, when we turned this corner to see a sign saying not to do that.  

But wait, the sign is in the singular case.  Does it mean not to back into just this one handicapped spot?  Everyone else gets to just do what they want?

I don't know, folks used to simply park in a 15 or 20 minute spot and run in and get their stuff quickly, or use the blue curb spots for that.  Or was it the white curb for loading and unloading only?

We also have a block of spaces reserved for recharging electric vehicles.  

I think I saw a spot last week reserved just for Door Dash workers.  Back when I was delivering pizza in college, we never had reserved spaces, we just had to deal with it.

I will try to collect other alternative parking signs here in the future.  I know I've seen more that just these...

A day or two later, I don't know why the spots in this other lot are all green or why they say GP.  

Oh, it's turns out the plaza is called Grand Plaza. GP.  But nobody calls these places by name.  Nobody says  "Let's head over to Grand Plaza," they will pick a specific store like Bed,Bath & Beyond.


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