Remnants from the Pandemic

There are still a lot of social distancing markers on floors, leftover from the pandemic.  Social distancing is still a good idea, since the closer you get to a person the more pathogens you're going to be breathing.  I'm not sure there was ever a mandate to remove these signs, and scraping them up is probably quite a chore.  For a while, rules were flip-flopping every few weeks, so maybe it's good to leave them in place as reminders.  

Like usual, human creativity kicked in and produced a huge range of styles and iconography, so I guess we can still check out the artwork (or lack of artwork) until they are completely rubbed off by time and foot traffic.  I expect that the next time a pandemic strikes, they will reappear and we will all line up at whatever distance is best. 

I like this one at the car repair place.  6 feet, 66 degrees.

I feel like some of these posts will be ever-expanding collections of signs/symbols of a related theme.  So look for more in this space, coming soon ...


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