Wait ... Stop ... Don't ... Aw, Heck

On the same side street as the last post, right before the back entrance to the apartment complex, there is this poor sign that was just asking for trouble.

Why put up a sign saying NO VANDALISM in the first place?  I mean, it's not legal or wanted ANYwhere, and decent folks know not to do that.  So, it's just asking to be defaced.

I will generally steer away from graffiti but it does fit the topic of symbols that are all around us that we don't understand.  Here, the clash of symbols is almost comical, from the stoic lettering of the original sign with its local ordinance code at the bottom, all legal and proper, to the layers and layers of tagging, to that one sticker for some kind of rum that looks totally lost.  Symbols overwriting each other.  How many layers are there in this odd-art piece?


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