Syringe Drop-Off ... and Also, Babies

This was an unexpected rabbit hole.  After my diabetic cat died on September 2, I had a few plastic containers of used syringes, and when I called the vet asking how to dispose of them, they said I have to take them to any fire station.  I'm not sure how my cat's syringes need to be the problem of the local fire fighters, but okay.  It turns out it was true.  The wife of the fire chief happened to be parked there at the time, and said it was okay.  

 But while we were parked there, we saw this other sign:

Anne was talking to the friendly folks while I was doing the exchange.  And she said the sign really really DOES mean it's a safe place to drop off unwanted babies.

Of course, she didn't tell me about this until two months later, so not believing my ears, we stopped and I snapped that photo.  It's there.  And it's a real thing.   Here's how it works.


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