Maybe Don't Abuse the System?

Outside the bathroom at a Smart & Final store in Santa Ana, CA on Thanksgiving:

We really need a sign telling us not to abuse welfare systems?  If so, sticking it in a back corner where only 1% of shoppers ever go can't be the best way to get the message out.  Unless it's only the people going into the bathroom who are under suspicion.  I don't know, maybe something on the security camera could back that up.  More likely, it's required by the state or federal government and the store just stuck it somewhere to comply.

It does creep me out a bit that the bottom half of the sign is telling everyone to narc on other people, but that's really the world we live in now.

Below that and to the left we have more symbols: two different generations of rest room user icons.

There's a request not to take merchandise into the toilet with you.  In a supermarket, so, essentially, stop eating yer foodz in there and then not paying for them.  That's just wrong.  And gross.

Above the door handle we also have to be told that if the light is flashing, don't go in.  There was a number-coded lock on that door.  Hmm.  So that means anyone with the code could walk in on anyone else.  And maybe a few people would think that red light flashing is a good thing.  And then the whole time you're in there thinking "I hope that red light is flashing now."

Finally, if all these words confuse you, there's a button to ask for assistance.  So, an employee has to come out from some nearby room and explain it all.  Or, most likely, nobody cares about the signs, they just want the number code to take a dump.

All that on one corner of one shop.


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