Weird Sidewalk Markings

Here are two different sets of markings we saw on sidewalks this weekend.  


This is Grand Avenue, Escondido, California.  There are two events that share the space with the old town shops and restaurants: a regular farmers market on Tuesdays, and a long running friday night car festival called Cruisin' Grand.

Maybe the diamonds mark stall numbers, but 105 and 107 were two blocks apart, pointing at odd angles, and I know there would normally be 10 or 12 stalls in that space.  

I thought the larger markings said AUTO at first, related to the Cruisin Grand event, but no, they actually say DUCTS.  The word I thought was AUTO is actually (but it's hard to tell) "ATT 10".  Whatever that means.

Again, this is part of an ongoing series about the strange markings and codes that surround us on the streets and sidewalks we walk on every day.


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