Construction Road Markings

I can't say how long ago I first saw weird spray-painted markings on the pavement where construction was gearing up.  Surely, before breaking ground, a construction site needs surveyors to come out and properly mark the space they need to work in, not to mention calling the utility companies to find out where the gas lines and power lines are buried.

But these markings are remarkably varied and complex.  Here are some from one of the side roads on my daily commute home...

Simple markings like "NO SDGE" are easy.  SDG&E is our local power & gas company, so such a mark would say the area has been cleared of utility lines and pipes.  Your local utility companies would show up on the scripts on the roads near you.  Other markings are just measurements, as in the corners of a rectangle with one corner marked " 12'6" by 36' " to show where the power equipment should begin digging at some future date.  

There are none of those easy-to-grasp abbreviations here.  The complexity of these markings shows how there is a whole language of some kind at work here.  I will be collecting these and trying to dig up explanations.  It's not going to be easy ... a quick Google search for "SDEOP" only brings up links on how to stop your dog from peeing in the house.

I am researching these and will have some interesting links to share soon. 


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