
Yield Signs: Flow Chart Style?

  There are some yield signs around town whose appear to targeted at a very small audience: people who like to read flowcharts.  Sure, you can stand there and work out what they're trying to say, but I'm sure 99% of people who walk by just shrug and think "whatever". I don't know if they bug me because they're trying to be too clever, or too dense.  Maybe they just remind me of work.

Lost Remote?

  Here's a fun sign.  Someone lost their remote control for some kind of "machine".  The sign was there for about 3 weeks before some major construction began, so I walked back over and got a picture of the sign surrounded by machinery.  I doubt that any of those trucks are remotely controlled, so the sign and the machines are probably unrelated.  There's just a lot happening on this corner. Yesterday, the sign was gone but judging from this new sign, the construction is going to continue for another month.  Note that June 31 is not a real date, so does that mean they don't have an actual completion date in mind?  

Need More Nines

I know that retailers love to use prices just below the dollar marks to try and fool us into thinking tge price is lower than it is.  So $2.95 instead of $3.  Sadly, it works.  Almost everyone who sees $2.99 has some chunk of their brain thinking it's only "two something", not properly rounding up to three. But what's the deal with this?? $2.99.99 is not a real use of numbers. May 15 update: we saw a short documentary on the 99-cent stores going out of business, and I think it said that company invented the extra .99 bit during a few years of trying not to raise their prices to $1.

DIY Littering Sign

Right next to the "No Dumping - I Live Downstream" markings from my last post, I saw this washed-out attempt to "Stop Littering". I must have walked past this dozens of times before realizing it was there.  Whoever sprayed this mish-mash of upper and lower case letters was obviously conflicted.  I mean, they clearly think littering is bad but their graffiti is okay?  Let's stop people from making this corner an ugly place ... by making this corner an ugly place.

I Live Downstream

At many storm drains in our area (San Diego County) there are these cute template graphics trying to get people to stop dumping crap down our drains.  They say "No Dumping - I Live Downstream" (more or less) and with have cute outlines of fish or dolphins.  I always enjoy seeing these, they add a nice human "caring" touch to otherwise drab bits of concrete.  Here is one a drain where I work which has two different graphics, one sprayed on and one engraved: In my mind I thought it was a fish and a dolphin, but looking at the photo now, it's a swordfish and a duck. I have seen a lot of regional variations on these, as if every town has their own version.  Then again, I have seen at least three designs just on my lunch breaks around the office.  I will try to get some more shots of these to show the range of designs. I don't know if this is a California thing or if it's nationwide.  I'm not sure that the kind of people who are going to dump paint or tox...

Old Bike vs New Bike

We have had some perpetual construction in our area, and while walking just now, I noticed that the spray-painted tags for bike lanes have changed.  Or they are still evolving, or whatever is happening.  There is one traffic logo with a little person with a helmet (but no bike), and another with just a bike (no rider).  And in the new paint jobs of just the past year, in the same development, they used both logos.  Here they are just 20 feet from each other. Is the no-rider logo replacing the no-bike logo because someone got bent out of shape about the rider not looking male enough or female enough or neutral enough?  So now we have to watch out for bikes with invisible riders because we can't look at people anymore.  Maybe that logo didn't look "bicycle" enough. Or maybe after years of bike logos without riders, someone finally noticed and felt that a rider was needed.  But now it's a mime pretending to ride some tires instead of an actual bike with r...

Scary Box of OMG

Here's what should have been a simple drop box for clothes and shoes for some charity, but OMG, it turned into THIS: If I even got out of my car with do-good feelings in my head, this would scare me away.  No Dumping dumping trespassing, no trash mattresses blah blah no stealing or loitering, the police are watching, lift handle up, no trash, THANK YOU. And run.  Probably under surveillance, too. I suppose so many people abused this simple box of hope that it has become a nightmare.  It makes me sad.  For every helping hand, so much crap and misuse.