If you thought official No Parking Signs were scary

For fun, almost home from a sunday drive, we took a detour up a hill near Anne's place to see one of those fancy new developments that are being built all over town. There's never anything remotely affordable, but we figured it would be interesting to see how the people were settling into these new buildings. We might even roleplay that we're actually looking for an apartment, we toy with the idea of looking around one of the "model homes" to see what we would get for our hard-earned bucks. Um ... Apparently, for your $3000 a month, you get threatening NO PARKING signs written in dripping blood, another jerry-rigged crap cardboard threat and garbage flapping in the wind a few feet from your fancy car, no signs of life, no safe place to walk with the kids. So, you've been working for decades, and your idea of the perfect life is some prison-like heap of housing units with nothing worth looking at beyond the windows. We couldn't even turn around to get ou...