A Salt of Some Kind

This sign was a head-scratcher. We were in Santa Barbara and this sign was et the top of a flight of stairs leading down to some subterranean space. It did make me a bit curious. What is this Salt? Why do I want to go down there? It could have been an antique shop, a museum of body salts, or just a trap of some kind. There could very well be a shop that has nothing but salts, hundreds of kinds of salt, because consumers love to be told that one salt is healthier than another, ever since that hilarious Himalayan Salt mess where they claimed it had 90 essential minerals when there aren't that many, where they counted undetected and trace elements just to bump up their numbers ... don't get me started on that. Is any salt actually healthy? WHy take an elevator just to get to salt? It's only going to raise my blood pressure. We asked someone who was coming up the stairs and they said it was a day spa of some kind. But unless you went the...